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Dear 3rd and 4th year medical students, we have prepare for you “Lecture course inClinical Pathology”. You have motivated us to give you a more comprehensive, useful andpractical approach to the topics in the syllabus, which you have to learn for your exam inPathology. Your interest in our subject has raised the requirements and standards we haveto meet. This is why we have prepared this manual in order to give you an accessible andorganized information on our subject.Clinical pathology is a key step into clinical medicine. It lays the foundations of the basicpathological process that can occur in the human body. We hope that we will effectivelyhelp you in your studies with the information given in these notes.Every topic in your syllabus for the exam in Clinical Pathology is discussed here in areport form. Please, do use the references given for each topic in order to complete the informationyou need to know for the exam.We will appreciate any feedback from you, since we would like to improve our workand be as useful as possible to you, the students who will use this book.We wish you pleasant reading!
Assoc. Prof. Elena Poryazova-Markova, MD, PhDDepartment of General and Clinical Pathologyand Forensic MedicineMU - Plovdiv
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