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Contents1. Subject, tasks and methods of pathology - Marina Tomova, V. Belovejdov2. Health and disease. Main categories in pathology (etiology, pathogenesis, Morphogenesis, sanogenesis, tanatogenesis) - M. Tomova, E. Poryazova3. Death. Clinical and biological. Signs of biological death - M.Tomova4. Cell injury. Definition. Categories of cellular injury. Causal factors. Pathogenetic and morphogenetic mechanisms - M. Tomova, E. Poryazova5. Cellular injury. Types of degeneration. Acute reversible cellular damage (cellular swelling). Hydropic degeneration - M. Tomova, E. Poryazova6. Abnormal accumulation of substances in the cell. Mechanisms. Accumulation of protein (hyaline-drop degeneration, Lewy and Mallory bodies; Russel bodies) and carbohydrates. Methods of proof - M. Tomova, E. Poryazova7. Disorders of the metabolism of lipids. Types of adipose degeneration. Accumulation of cholesterol and cholesterol esters. Methods of proof. Total obesity. Lipomatosis. Cachexia - M. Tomova, E. Poryazova8. Lysosomal diseases (tesaurismoses) - features. Lipidoses (Gaucher disease, Niemann-Pick disease, Tay-Sacks, disease, Hand-Schuller-Christian disease) and glycogenoses - M. Tomova, E. Poryazova9. Disturbances in the metabolism of the pigments. Classification. Accumulation of exogenous pigments - D. Bojkova, E. Poryazova10. Accumulations of iron-containing pigments (hemoglobinogenics) - D. Bojkova11. Accumulation of iron-free hemoglobinogenic pigments. Jaundice - D. Bojkova12. Disturbances in the metabolism and accumulation of proteinogenic (tyrosine, tryptophan) and lipidogenic native pigments - D. Bojkova, V. Belovejdov13. Abnormal accumulation of substances in the extracellular matrix Mucoid edema. Fibrinoid. Hialinosis - types. Accumulation of fibrillary substances in the interstitium: scarring, fibrosis (sclerosis) and cirrhosis - D. Bojkova, E. Poryazova14. Amyloidosis. Common physical and chemical characteristics. Classification. Types according to their composition. Methods of proof - D. Bojkova, E. Poryazova15. Types of amyloidosis depending on the cause and spread of the process. Organ deposits. Diagnosis - D. Bojkova, E. Poryazova16. Disturbances in the metabolism of calcium and copper. Abnormal accumulation of salts of the uric acid - D. Bojkova, E. Poryazova17. Cell death. Necrobiosis. Necrosis: definition and types (coagulation and kaseous; liquefactive). Nuclear and cytoplasmic morphological changes - M. Koleva, V. Belovejdov18. Clinical and anatomical forms of necrosis (infarction, gangrene, decubitus, sequesters, mutilation, steatonecrosis, fibrinoid necrosis, ‘noma’). Evolution and complications - M. Koleva, E. Poryazova19. Apoptosis. Definition, differences between apoptosis and necrosis. Role of apoptosis - M. Koleva, E. Poryazova20. Hemodynamic disorders: an overview, local and general hemodynamic disorders. Changes in the amount of blood. Arterial hyperemia - M. Gulinac, V. Belovejdov21. Venous plethora (congestion). Acute and chronic left heart failure – morphological changes - M. Gulinac, E. Poryazova22. Venous plethora. Acute and chronic right heart failure - morphological changes. Local venous plethora - M. Gulinac, E. Poryazova23. Ischemia: definition, types, complications - M. Gulinac, E. Poryazova24. Bleeding and bleeding disorders. Plasmoraghia. Terminology, mechanisms, outcome - M. Gulinac, E. Poryazova25. Rheological disorders: prestasis, stasis, ‘sludge’-phenomenon - M. Gulinac26. Thrombosis. Order and Morphogenesis. Structure of thrombi. Difference between the thrombus and post-mortem blood clot - M. Gulinac, E. Poryazova27. Thrombosis. Types of blood clots, complications and evolution. Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC syndrome) - M. Gulinac, E. Poryazova28. Embolism. Definition. Types of embolism by the way of their distribution: venous and arterial, orthograde, retrograde and paradoxical embolism - M. Gulinac29. Pulmonary thromboembolism: cause, proof, complications and outcomes - M. Gulinac30. Types of embolism, according to the substrate: air, gas, fat, amnial, bacterial, parasitic, tumor cell. Comparison between embolism and metastasis - M. Gulinac, E. Poryazova31. Infarction. Definition. Types. Morphological characteristics of anemic infarction - M. Gulinac, V. Belovejdov32. Infarction. Definition. Types. Morphogenesis of hemorrhagic infarctions. Types of hemorrhagic infarctions - M. Gulinac, E. Poryazova33. Shock. Definition, pathogenetic types and organ morphological changes - M. Gulinac34. Disorders of lymph circulation: terminology and complications. Quantitative changes of tissue fluid. Oedema: definition, types. Pulmonary and cerebral edema. Dehydration - M. Gulinac, E. Poryazova35. Inflammation. Definition. Terminology. Main features. Etiologyc factors - I. Bivolarski36. Inflammation. Phases of inflammatory reaction. Pathogenesis and morphogenesis of inflammation. Plasma and cellular mediators - I. Bivolarski, E. Poryazova37. Morphogenesis of acute (exudative) inflammation.Hemodynamic changes in microcirculation. Leukocyte migration and phagocytosis - I. Bivolarski38. Cell types in the outbreak of acute and chronic inflammation - I. Bivolarski39. Exudative inflammation. Morphology, complications and outcomes - I. Bivolarski40. Productive inflammation: forms and morphological characteristics of diffuse productive inflammation - I. Bivolarski, E. Poryazova41. Nonspecific and specific productive – ‘granulomatous’ inflammation. Morphology of foreign body granuloma, tubercle, luetic ‘gumma’, granulomas in leprosy and sarcoidosis, catscratch disease, toxoplasmosis, rhinoscleroma - I. Bivolarski, E. Poryazova42. Pathology of immunity. Hypersensitivity reactions. Anaphylactic cytotoxic type immune reactions (first and second type reactions) - Sv. Bachurska, E. Poryazova43. Pathology of immunity. Hypersensitivity reactions. Immune complexes reactions. Delayed type hypersensitivity (third and fourth type reactions) - Sv. Bachurska, E. Poryazova44. Pathology of immunity - types. Autoimmune diseases. Congenital syndromes and acquired immune deficiency - Sv. Bachurska, E. Poryazova45. Adaptivey processes: hypertrophy and hyperplasia, atrophy - definition, types, morphological characteristics - Sv. Bachurska, E. Poryazova46. Metaplasia - definition, types, morphological characteristics, complications - Sv. Bachurska, E. Poryazova47. Regeneration. Restitution and substitution. Factors affecting recovery processes. Wound healing. Regeneration of bone tissue - Sv. Bachurska, E. Poryazova48. Tumors: definition, incidence and prevalence. Biology of tumor growth (irreversibility, relative autonomy, tumor impact on the whole body) - D. Serteva, E. Poryazova49. Tumors: Terminology. Classification. Tumor structure - D. Serteva, E. Poryazova50. Etiology of tumors. Chemical, physical, genetic and viral carcinogenesis. Role of growth factors - D. Serteva, V. Belovejdov51. Morphogenesis of tumors. Monocentric and multicentric theories for their emergence Proliferating and non-proliferating tumor fractions. Biological basis of invasion of malignant tumors. Metastasis - D. Serteva, E. Poryazova52. Morphological characteristics of tumors. Differences between benign and malignant tumors. Tissue and cellular atypia - D. Serteva, E. Poryazova53. Precancerous. Dysplasia. Carcinoma in situ - D. Serteva, E. Poryazova54. Metastasis of tumors - D. Serteva, E. Poryazova55. Degree of differentiation and staging in the development of tumors. TNM-system - D. Serteva, V. Belovejdov56. Structure and shape of tumors - macroscopic and microscopic characteristics. Role of immunohistochemistry for the diagnosis of tumors - D. Serteva, E. Poryazova57. Benign tumors of epithelial origin - D. Serteva, E. Poryazova58. Malignant tumors of epithelial origin - D. Serteva, E. Poryazova59. Benign soft tissue tumors - Kr. Dangalov, E. Poryazova60. Malignant soft tissue tumors - Kr. Dangalov, E. Poryazova61.Tumors of the central nervous system - general features, classification, basic representatives - Kr. Dangalov, V. Belovejdov62. Tumors of the nerve sheath. Tumors of the meninges - Kr. Dangalov63. Tumors and tumor-like entities of melanocytes. Teratomas - Kr. Dangalov
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