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PrefaceThe Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology at the MedicalUniversity of Plovdiv has widely introduced into the teaching programMCQs exam for student knowledge evaluation. This manual is the resultof such an effort for anatomy teaching of medical students. This method ofevaluation has become essential for every student to become familiar withthe concept and formats of multiple choice questions.The thematic content of the test questions in the manual is consistentwith the specificity of training in anatomy of foreign students. Successfullyselected questions assist in a practical implementation of complex educationalcontent.Indisputable contribution of collections of tests is the inclusion of questionsof various types and difficulty – from first and second cognitive level.The questions are based on specified learning goals, the achievement ofwhich is diagnosed with didactic tests.The questions in the book cover all aspects of the anatomy course. Thedegree of difficulty has been graded to extend from those requiring the simplestfactual knowledge to good understanding. The set of MCQs presentedin the manual covers the commonly used formats. These should be readin conjunction with relevant anatomy texts. One of the best ways to preparewell for an MCQ exam is to make up MCQs whilst reading a text. Itis hoped that this will be stimulating to the students and help with betterunderstanding in acquiring the general skills of performing and reportinganatomy examinations.It is hoped that this book will provide students with a focused approachto learning MCQs and prepare well for the modules of anatomy teachingprogram.Although our efforts to ensure accuracy and clarity in the wording ofquestions any suggestions for improvement will be welcome. We expectconsiderate and constructive feed-back from the students, in order this manualto go beyond its pure bibliographical value.We wish you success!Stefan Sivkov, Stoyan Novakov
Plovdiv, BGJanuary 2014
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