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Lecture notes and MCQ's
This book is intended to be used primarily by students who study medicine or dentistry in English at the Bulgarian Medical Schools. Despite the abundance of Forensic Pathology books in English, none cover needs of this particular pool of students. The book provides essential and contemporary data about medicolegal investigation of death. The scope of the material covered in the book is conformed to the curriculum traditionally taught in Bulgarian Medical Schools, which was a major incentive in preparing and publishing it. The majority of the images presented in this edition are based on the personal experience of the author.The author believe that this manual will also provide a sincere guide to generating knowledge and developing skills in MCQ's tests.Constructive suggestions will be appreciated for further improvements.ASSIST. PROF. PAVEL TIMONOV MD PHDDEPARTMENT OF GENERAL AND CLINICALPATHOLOGY AND FORENSIC MEDICINE.MEDICAL UNIVERSITY - PLOVDIV
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