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600 Simple steps to disaster medicine exam success. A repetitorium for foreign students of medicine in english language.
The Disaster Medicine Repetitorium provides the foreignmedical students with one tool where the theoretical knowledgeis linked to the students’ need of desktop concise note book forfinal check. The author has succeeded in his objective to combinethe broad spectrum representation of the entire Disaster Medicinelecture course with the practical question-answer approach.Inclusion of the questionnaire boxes helps the students to put inorders their knowledge and safes a lot of time and efforts. The way ofpresenting the information is very close to the well-known practiceof presenting the so-called “must to know” data. The combinationof the pure basic information with questions is an attempt to createa new practical orientated students handbook. This handbook isone blend between the textbook comprehensiveness and theconciseness of the tests.This handbook is the second effort of the author to fillthe handbooks’ and manuals’ gap for foreign students studyingmedicine in English language. The comprehensiveness and thepractical focus of the 600 SIMPLE STEPS TO DISASTER MEDICINEEXAM SUCCESS A REPETITORIUM FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS OFMEDICINE IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE is a valuable set in the medicalstudents’ library.
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